Spring Membership Drive 2011: What Your Pledge Pays For

Any chance you were listening to coverage of the Haiti earthquake on KSKA? Or Japan? Take a peek inside the NPR News supply closet and see what it takes to send a team of journalists abroad following a natural disaster.

Whether its news reports from across the globe or right here at home, we depend on your pledge dollars to keep the equipment closets stocked with sleeping mats, lap tops, and…. Trojans?

KSKA’s Spring Membership Drive kicked off yesterday, and we’re asking for you to help us pay for NPR, BBC, APRN, American Public Media, Public Radio International programming on KSKA.

The goal for this drive is a whopping $300,000 from 1800 members and we’re hoping to get there in 9 days of pledging. So far we’ve heard from just over 250 of you and raised over $55,000 on the second day of the drive.

Thanks for supporting KSKA during this Spring Membership Drive!

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