Joe Miller Ordered To Pay $85,000 In Alaska Dispatch Legal Fees

Former Republican U.S. Senate nominee Joe Miller has not yet said if he will appeal an award of court costs to an internet news organization that sued to get his personnel records in 2010.

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Judge Stephanie Joannides ruled that Miller should pay $85,000 and the Fairbanks North Star Borough twelve and a half thousand dollars to the Alaska Dispatch and its attorney, John McKay.

Miller has a federal campaign committee with a 425 thousand dollar war chest but has not declared any candidacy. In his 2010 Senate race he ran against Democrat Scott McAdams, but both were overwhelmed by a write-in victory by Lisa Murkowski, who had been defeated by Miller in
the primary.

sheimel (at) alaskapublic (dot) org  |  907.550.8454 | About Steve

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