Edward Itta

Edward Itta

Edward Itta was elected Mayor of the North Slope Borough in November of 2005 and re-elected in 2008. Over the past two decades, he has held a variety of leadership positions for the regional government, including Chief Administrative Officer, Public Works Director, Planning Director and Director of Capital Improvement Program Management. He has held management and liaison positions for subsidiaries of Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC), including Arctic Slope World Services and the Arctic Slope Consulting Group, where he helped coordinate the North Slope village water and sewer construction program. He was President of LCMF, Inc., a design and engineering subsidiary of UIC, the Barrow village corporation. He served on the Board of Directors of UIC and of Eskimo’s Inc., a subsidiary of ASRC.

Mayor Itta is very active in community affairs and public policy. He is a past President of Inuit Circumpolar Council-Alaska, the U.S. arm of the international organization representing the world’s Inuit (Eskimo) people. He is currently the local government representative for Alaska on the Outer Continental Shelf Policy Committee. He is a past President and current member of the Barrow Whaling Captains Association and a past Commissioner and Vice-Chairman of the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission, of which he is also a current member. Itta served as President of the North Slope Borough School Board and was Vice-Chairman of the federal government’s subsistence advisory council for northern Alaska.

Mayor Itta trained as an electronics technician at the Griswold Institute in Cleveland, Ohio, and in the U.S. Navy.


Arctic Imperative: Edward Saggan Itta – Mayor, North Slope Borough

Whether we like it or not — the polar region is changing. The natural world is constantly in a state of flux, but the pace at which we’ve seen the sea ice erode in recent years is unprecedented. The same goes for erosion eating away at our shores, or the number of months when the tundra is exposed. Our ice cellars are melting along with the permafrost. Click to read more.