Melati Kaye, KDLG - Dillingham

Melati Kaye, KDLG - Dillingham
Melati Kaye is a reporter at KDLG in Dillingham.

Russian Group Traces Route of 19th Century Explorers to Dillingham

A unique set of visitors showed up recently in Dillingham. The group of Russians is retracing the routes of late 19th century Russian explorers.

Pioneers Make Innovative Use of Fish Waste

In Alaska, fish is an important component of daily life-as a form of food, the base of the seafood harvesting and processing industry and the target of a sport fishing tourism industry.

Chefs Tour Alaska to Spread Alaska Seafood Market

In an effort to diversify Alaskan seafood’s marketing base to include countries other than Japan, the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute is running a two week tour of the state for chefs!

Southeast Celebrates Big on 4th of July

Small towns in Alaska have a tradition of going big to celebrate the 4th of July.

Fish and Game Head Questioned About Low Chinook Returns

The head of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Commercial Fisheries Division was in King Salmon recently to check on the Bristol Bay salmon season.

EPA Gives Update on Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment

Senior Environmental Protective Agency officials were in Dillingham last Friday to give an update on the Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment.