Tag: Gas Prices

Congressional Delegates Divided on Likelihood of Gas Pipeline

The dream of getting a gas pipeline to connect Alaska’s North Slope with the Lower 48 is an old one, and in recent years, it’s seemed closer than ever. But even as the company TransCanada works toward building a line, skepticism is mounting among some members of Alaska’s Congressional delegation that a project will happen any time soon, if at all.

Alaska News Nightly: June 16, 2011

House Votes to Bar FDA Approval of ‘Frankenfish’, Congressional Delegates Divided on Likelihood of Gas Pipeline, UAA Professor Urges Better Management of Oil Reserves, Annual Finances Released by Congressional Delegates, and more...

Feds File Charges Saying Speculators Driving Up Crude Prices

A federal enforcement agency has filed charges that say speculators have been driving up the price of crude oil, which, in turn, affects the price of fuel at the gasoline pump and the fuel barge.