James Stotts

James Stotts

James Stotts President, ICC Alaska and ICC Vice-Chair   James Stotts (Jimmy) was born in 1947 at Barrow, Alaska and raised in Barrow and other communities throughout rural Alaska. Like many of his generation he attended Mt. Edgecumbe High School, a Bureau of Indian Affairs boarding school located in Sitka, Alaska. After high school he attended the University of Alaska Anchorage where he earned a degree in Business Management.

Jimmy has extensive managerial experience in the private sector. He worked for his village corporation (Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation) and regional corporation (Arctic Slope Regional Corporation), both created under the terms of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. Over a thirty year career he worked in various executive capacities at both organizations and served on the Board of Directors of both organizations.   Jimmy had a brief career in local politics as an Assembly Member of the North Slope Borough from 1978 through 1983. He was elected President of the Assembly the last two years he served.

Jimmy has a long history of involvement with the Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC). He represented Alaska on the first ICC Executive Council in 1980, eventually serving three consecutive terms from 1980 to 1989. In the early 1990s he worked for ICC Greenland as Environmental Projects Coordinator in Nuuk, Greenland. Since January 2008 he worked for ICC Alaska as Executive Director in Anchorage, Alaska.

In June 2009 he was appointed by the ICC Executive Council to serve as ICC Acting Chair until the next ICC General Assembly which was held in Greenland in June 2010.   Jimmy currently resides in Anchorage, Alaska with wife Karoline and son Inuuteq.


Arctic Imperative: James Stotts, President – Inuit Circumpolar Council Alaska

Alaska needs to experience a paradigm shift, a collective paradigm shift. It won’t be easy. But, if we can, then the Arctic imperative might become the Arctic reality. Read more.