sensational science camp

Sensational Science Camp with Ruff Ruffman

In this two-day camp experience designed for five- to eight-year-olds, kids will engage in the science inquiry and engineering design processes with Ruff Ruffman and his friends. The camp will integrate video, games, and hands-on activities to provide kids with opportunities to play, build, explore, and learn together, while getting exposure and practice with the science inquiry and engineering design processes. Each camp day is designed modularly to accommodate the various needs of different communities.

Each session’s facilitator guide also lays out the particular learning objectives for each camp session. Every camp day aims to achieve learning objectives around content specific ideas related to each theme, while also engaging and developing the practices involved in the science inquiry and engineering design processes.

Facilitator guide:

mix it up banner
ruffman texture
ruffman texture

Video: Ruff Mixes it Up

Game: Ruff’s Cookie Creator

cookie creator

Hands-on Exploration

Use your five senses to notice and observe the properties of the materials for your mixtures.
Curiosity Journal: pages 6 through 13

engineer design process circle
dont forget to share
ruffman absorbent
ruffman material

Video: A Dry Pet is a Happy Pet!

Game: Dress that Rhino

dress that rhino

Hands-on Exploration

Design something Ruff can wear to keep him dry from water.
Curiosity Journal: pages 14 through 20

engineer design process circle
dont forget to share
ruffman force
ruffman friction
ruffman distance

Video: Pulling for the Plushie!

Game: Fish Force

fish force

Hands-on Exploration

Now kids will participate in their own investigations to explore friction by using and testing different surfaces to see how they affect the distance an object travels.

Curiosity Journal: pages 21 to 27

engineer design process circle
dont forget to share
ruffman stability
ruffman structure

Video: Eye of the Hamster!

Game: Hamster Run

hamster run

Hands-on Exploration

Now kids will participate in their own investigations to further explore structures. Kids will work on building a playground for their Ruff Ruffman Action Plushie to play on.

Curiosity Journal: pages 28 and 34

engineer design process circle
dont forget to share