Tag: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Point Lay sees earliest walrus haul out ever

It's the earliest walrus haul out since it began happening in 2007, according to the federal agency. The haul outs are associated with declining sea ice due to climate change. Paragraph

As polar bears encroach on this Alaska village, feds charge whaling captain with illegally shooting one

As Arctic sea ice melts, polar bears are spending more time near the Alaska North Slope village of Kaktovik. Now, federal prosecutors have charging a whaling captain there with killing one in violation of the Marine Mammal Protection Act.

Alaska’s Bat Population Probed

Not much is known about the bat population that live in Alaska. And until recently, there was no pressing need to study the nocturnal mammal. But with bats being decimated across much of the country by the fungal disease White Nose Syndrome, state and federal researchers are working to learn as much as they can about the animal.

Groups Accept Settlement over Endangered Species Suit

Two environmental groups have agreed to stop suing the federal government about some 750 species that are being considered for listing under the Endangered Species Act.

Alaska News Nightly: July 13, 2011

Groups Accept Settlement over Endangered Species Suit, Alaska Congressional Delegation Split on ‘Doomsday Scenario’ of National Debt Default, Five Escape Sinking Fishing Vessel near Valdez, NPR-A and Sealaska Lands Bills Up for Vote in DC, and more...

Sea Otters Tagged for Population Study

Add sea otters to the list of critters transmitting radio signals in Southeast Alaska. Researchers recently captured and tagged the marine mammals north of Petersburg.

Alaska News Nightly: July 7, 2011

Alaska Senators Back ‘Pilot’s Bill of Rights', ‘Bullet Line’ May Disrupt Plans for Cook Inlet Drilling, Sea Otters Tagged for Population Study, New Statistics Show Unemployment Rates are Higher for Veterans, and more...