Evan Erickson

Evan Erickson

Ionizing Radiation as a Cancer Treatment

The prognosis for many cancers has improved due to many factors including a better understanding of the cancer, earlier detection, and better treatment often with fewer side effects. Ionizing radiation for certain cancers is one of these improved treatments. Today with the help of Dr. Larry Daugherty, radiation oncologist at the Alaska Cancer Treatment Center, we will examine how radiotherapy aids the treatment of cancer; and we will learn about the nonprofit organization Radiating Hope which is working to improve cancer care globally. KSKA: Monday, April 20, at 2:00 and 9:00 p.m. Listen Now:

Dr. Diddy Hitchins on “The Arctic Council: Role & Representation in Managing Global Insecurity”

Dr. Hitchins was born in Glasgow, Scotland, and brought up in southern England. She received her BSc in Social Sciences from the University of Southampton, UK; her MA in Political Behaviour, and her PhD in Government from the University of Essex, UK. Her first academic appointment, while completing PhD research, was at University of Ghana, Legon, West Africa. Subsequently, Dr. Hitchins had a 30 year career with Department of Political Science, University of Alaska Anchorage, rising from Assistant Professor to Associate and then Full Professor. Listen Now:

Selecting a Bike

On today's show we’re going to talk about how to buy a bike. We’ll focus first on the high end and the creative stuff that hardcore cycling folks are doing these days, building crazy bikes and putting together the perfect bike. Then we’ll focus on the practical details of getting the right bike for you at a price you can afford, whether you buy new or on Craigslist. KSKA: Thursday, April 16, at 2:00 and 9:00 p.m. Download Audio

The Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance Survey

Behaviors associated with poor health can be assessed and this leads to understanding of how to best use limited resources to improve overall population health. The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey (YRBSS) is one instrument used to understand such behaviors in teens. Today’s program reviews the most recent YRBSS, its results, and efforts to address areas of concern. KSKA: Monday, April 13, at 2:00 and 9:00 p.m. Download Audio

Yoram Bauman on “Comedy, Economics, and Carbon Tax!”

Yoram Bauman is an environmental economist and a carbon tax Fellow at Sightline Institute. He has a PhD in economics from the University of Washington and works in Washington state and elsewhere on climate change economics and policy, particularly focusing on carbon pricing. His most recent academic paper (“Climate Sensitivity: Should the Climate Tail Wag the Policy Dog?”) was co-authored with UW climate scientist Gerard Roe and appeared in the April 2013 issue of Climatic Change. Dr. Bauman is part of the CarbonWA.org effort to bring a revenue-neutral carbon tax to Washington State. Listen Now:

Algo Nuevo: April 5, 2015

Here’s the Sunday, March 29, 2015 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave Luera, send email to...

Gray Whale Migration

One of the first signs of spring in coastal Alaska is the appearance of gray whales, who pass our way on their annual journey from Mexico to the Bering Sea. Along our uninhabited shores, the whales get a lot more privacy than they do down south, but you can see them from boats and coastal towns, and tour boats from Seward go out to view the whales through April. On today’s show, we’re talking about going out to see the whales this spring, and the biology of the whales and their amazing migration. KSKA: Thursday, April 9, at 2:00 and 9:00 p.m. Listen Now:

Alaska Refugee Needs Assessment

For displaced people from areas as different as Somalia, Iraq, Sudan and Myanmar, building a new life in Alaska depends on an understanding and supportive community. On the next Addressing Alaskans, hear preliminary findings of the Alaska Refugee Needs Assessment project, a partnership between the University of Alaska Anchorage psychology department and Catholic Social Services' Refugee Assistance and Immigration Services. KSKA: Tuesday, April 7, at 2:00 and 9:00 p.m. Listen Now:

‘Checking Out’ — Dissociative Disorders from A-Z

We all dissociate to some degree or another but sometimes self-destructive behaviors like substance abuse, sexual acting out, excessive media consumption, or shopping, become the means we use to remove ourselves from our realities and relieve us temporarily from our suffering. On the next Line One, local therapist, Kimber Olson, LCSW, joins host, Prentiss Pemberton for a discussion about trauma, dissociation, and dissociative disorders. KSKA: Monday, April 6, at 2:00 and 9:00 p.m. Listen Now:

Algo Nuevo: March 29, 2015

Here’s the Sunday, March 29, 2015 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave Luera, send email to...


Geocaching is sort of like outdoor treasure hunting, and it's getting really big in Anchorage. Host Charles Wohlforth gave it a try with his daughter. They had an iPhone app and a mission to look for hidden caches logged on a website powered by GPS equipment. The result? A fun, and somewhat addicting, new hobby. Join us on air to learn more about geocaching. KSKA: Thursday, April 2, 2015, at 2:00 and 9:00 p.m. Listen Now:

Seriously?!: Stories of Skepticism, Opportunity, and Getting Blindsided

Every community has a place, where people gather and stories are told. The east coast has stoops, the south has porches and in Alaska we have Arctic Entries. Here, Alaskans share their personal stories – funny, sad and sweet. Originally told at the Arctic Entries monthly storytelling event in Anchorage, listen to seven people tell a 7-minute-long true story related to the show’s theme. This week, the theme is "Seriously?!: Stories of Skepticism, Opportunity, and Getting Blindsided" KSKA: Tuesday, March 31, at 2:00 and 9:00 p.m. Listen Now:

“A Right Denied” *Global Education Series*

Whitney Tilson and Broken Pencil Productions present A Right Denied: The Critical Need for Genuine Education Reform. Education reformer Whitney Tilson gives the most in-depth exploration ever committed to film of the twin achievement gaps that threaten our nation’s future: between the U.S. and our economic competitors, and between low-income, minority students and their more affluent peers. After spending more than two decades on the front lines, witnessing first-hand public education’s shocking failures and remarkable successes, Mr. Tilson was inspired to assemble a powerful and at times unsettling presentation about the twin achievement gaps and what must be done to address them. He utilizes the latest data and research to paint the most detailed portrait of American public education ever committed to film. More importantly, he presents us with a way forward so our nation can deliver on its promise to all of its children and ensure its long-term future. Hear a partial recording of the panel discussion that followed the film below: Listen Now:

Jim DeHart on “Sex, Drugs and the Rule of Law: Supporting Civil Society and Equal Rights in Afghanistan”

Jim DeHart is the Deputy Assistant Secretary at the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) at the U.S. Department of State. He has been a career Foreign Service Officer since 1993, specializing in political affairs. In July 2013, he completed an assignment as Director of the Office of Afghanistan Affairs. From 2009-2010, he served in Panjshir, Afghanistan as director of the only civilian-led U.S. Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in the country. Listen Now:

Trauma — America’s Biggest Health Threat?

This week, host Prentiss Pemberton joins one of the world's leading experts on trauma, Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, for a discussion about the mechanisms and areas of the brain that are activated and altered during prolonged or intense exposure to extreme fear or isolation. KSKA: Monday, March 30, at 2:00 and 9:00 p.m. Listen Now:

Algo Nuevo: March 22, 2015

Here’s the Sunday, March 22, 2015 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave Luera, send email to...

Go North

It is plenty common for people to make their way to Alaska on behalf of a significant other or for a job, but in this show, three guests share their stories of making the trip north by unconventional means. They came here by air, land and sea — and we'll hear stories from their adventures heading north. KSKA: Thursday, March 26, at 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Listen Now:

Anchorage mayoral debate

"When the burdens of the presidency seem unusually heavy, I always remind myself it could be worse. I could be a mayor," President Lyndon Johnson once said. With Anchorage facing what many are calling lean times ahead, the city's next leader has their work cut out for them. On the next Addressing Alaskans, hear candidates Andrew Halcro, Amy Demboski, Ethan Berkowitz and Dan Coffey make their cases for why they deserve your vote in the April 7 elections, at a debate hosted by the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce. KSKA: Tuesday, March 24, at 2:00 and 9:00 p.m. Listen Now:

Epidemiology and screening of colorectal cancer

This week, Dr. Woodard will be following on the theme of Ken Burns' upcoming documentary, "Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies" with a show on colorectal cancer epidemiology and screening. Two local experts join the show for a conversation on this health issue at the forefront of the public consciousness. KSKA: Monday, March 23, 2015, at 2:00 and 9:00 p.m. Listen Now:

Algo Nuevo: March 15, 2015

Here’s the Sunday, March 15, 2015 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave Luera, send email to...